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Durable airmate, accurate airmate, trusted after-sales service

Advantages of Tire Automatic Air Injector
Accurate tire inflation
Replacement of the incorrect gauges of existing analogue dashes with digital automatic inflator can increase accuracy and improve customer service quality.
Safe work
No need to work close to tires when injecting air into large tires, preventing big accidents when tires drift.
Reduced labor costs
Tire inflation and regulated pressure control are automatically done, so the operator can do other works after connecting the device to a tire valve. It is the best way to reduce the labor cost of tire workers in the industry, in which there are difficulties hiring personnel and their labor costs are rising.
Reduced working hours
Customer’s waiting time is reduced by completing the tire replacement work by minimizing the time required for air injection in a tire shop with 1~ 2 lifts
Need to check air pressure
  • Tire air pressure naturally decreases over time, and it is impossible to visually identify air pressure of tires with lower pressure.
  • Tires with reduced air pressure may be disturbed while driving. .
  • Tire air pressure is reduced by 1 psi per month, and is reduced by 1psi according to the temperature change of 5℃
  • It is necessary to check tires once a month to maintain proper tire pressure.